Sunday, December 18, 2011

12/18/11 - Way Behind!

I hope everyone isn't expecting too much from this's kind of moved to the bottom of my priority list, which is pretty full right now.  :-)

I fed Liam his first solids on Nov. 14...squash mixed with rice cereal. He loved it!  I had to go to Baton Rouge for work on Nov. 15, which was the first time I left him overnight.  It's strange how the more kids I have, the longer it is before I leave them overnight.  Lauren was 4 weeks old, Bailey was 12 weeks old, and Liam was over 4 months old!  You would think it would be the you would be more nervous to leave your first child.  But I think what actually happens is the more kids you have, the harder it is to get away!  Daycare called while I was out of town and said Liam threw up twice, but Heath said he was fine that night.  They called again the next day because he had diarrhea all day.  Poor little would never know anything was wrong judging by the huge smiles he gave me when I got home!  Then I had to leave him again for 2 nights to go to my annual Birmingham trip last week.  He is so sweet and easygoing, and he now sleeps from 9:30/10:00 until 6:30/7:30!

Lauren got all A's and one B on her progress report.  Math is starting to kick her butt (and for Lauren, that means a B)...better yet, it's starting to kick all of our butts!  I swear they are working on stuff that we learned my freshman year in college.  Heath and I try to help her, and we end up scratching our heads and having to look up this stuff to refresh our memories!  Lauren's St. Fred's soccer team (jr. high) finished the regular season undefeated!  Now she has apparently begun playing up on the varsity team.  Her competitive (travel) soccer team played in the LA Competitive Soccer League, which is made up of Competitive I, II, & III teams.  Their team competed in 6 Competitive II league games within our Western district.  They had to place 1st or 2nd in all of these games in order to qualify for the Competitive II Tournament, which they did.  In order to move up to Competitive I in the spring, they would have had to finish in the top 4 at the final tournament.  Unfortunately, they lost they first game by one point, so they couldn't advance, but they will remain a Competitive II team in the spring.  That darn Soccer Delics team from Lafayette that we lost to in the state championship game last spring continues to be our nemesis!!

And Bailey continues to be Bailey!  She is repeating everything she hears.  Yesterday in the car, she told Heath, "No running!  You have to walk!  No running!"...this was probably from her teacher, Ms.Tonda.  When we put her in her bed for naptime or nighttime, she says, "You stay in your bed.  You get out, you get a spanking!"...this comes from us.  It's something new every day.  She is really starting to talk in full paragraphs, and is just getting so big so fast!

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